Sunday, March 22, 2009

our tour...

As told before, we have foredragturne (information activity) in the pipe and one group (carmen, sharath and afreen) have already left to meet schools and talk about India and guatemala in West Norway. Vineet, me and carlos will leave tomorrow evening to the northern part, Tromsø.

Last few weeks have been so hectic and I think the most difficult part has been to make presentation in norwegian rather than english or spanish. It was a decision that we all made together, and that was to present in Norwegian, as in the past 7 months we have witnessed and experienced the response we get when we talk in English. English is not that well taken language here. There are people who I think, are excellently fluent in English, but there are some for whom, English is not their language of preference. So, here are we, 6 people who never knew I word of norwegian and after 4 months of language training trying to talk about themselves, their countries, their host organisation and their culture in a language, which they hadn't spoken before 7 months.

Its going to be difficult, and at times frustrating when you want to say something and the only thing stopping you is the language, but its going to an experience which all of us will remember, and a journey which will be memorable and definately hilarious!

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